
Five Ways To Maintain And Grow Your Business During The Pandemic – Forbes

The Covid-19 pandemic has tested companies of all sizes and forced many businesses to make serious adjustments to their standard operating practices. But while a number of businesses — particularly those dependent on old revenue models — have lost value and even gone under as a result of the economic shutdown and shifting customer demands, businesses that remain more nimble and adapt their approach to fit the times have been able to withstand the economic pressure and even grow.

Below are five tips on how to best focus your company’s time and resources in order to maintain a bottom line and even grow during the pandemic.

1. Build your customer relationships.

A business always relies on its customers in order to grow, but the pandemic has made it even more essential to maintain and those core customers. Your customers are spending more time than ever online during the pandemic, working remotely, taking virtual classes and even hosting family events over Google Meets and Zoom.

Companies have always needed to be savvy with respect to social media and email marketing, but it’s increasingly important now when customers are logging so many hours each day on laptops and smartphones. If ever there was a time to think about whether your company is easy to find online, your website is easy to navigate or your social media is generating likes and retweets, this is it. Let your customers know that you are there and you value them, and give them incentives to spread the word about how much they love your products and services.

Read the rest of this article over on my Forbes page.

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