Big Issues and Murky World of Ai and Employment


The Big Issue: AI and Employment in the Murky Waters of the Future

Jack Mason Explains The Big Issue with AI and Why It’s Not So Far So Good Just Yet.

Dive in with me, friends, as we chart a course through one of the biggest issues in modern society – the intriguing intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and employment. There’s been plenty of chatter about the impact of AI on jobs, with some discussions veering towards the murky and fear-inducing. But hold onto your hats, because we’re about to set the record straight with some positivity and facts!

1. Decoding the Big Issue: AI and Job Displacement

The heart of the matter, the “big issue” if you will, centres around job displacement. In plain English, people are concerned that robots and AI are out to nab our jobs. A report by McKinsey Global Institute[^1^] suggests that by 2030, as many as 800 million jobs could be lost worldwide to automation.

Now, that sounds daunting, doesn’t it? But before we start packing our bags for a robot-dominated dystopia, let’s examine the brighter side of the coin.

2. The Silver Lining: AI as a Job Creator

Here’s a little-known fact that tends to get lost in the murky waters of this debate: AI, while indeed a job disruptor, can also be a significant job creator. World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report[^2^] states that 75 million jobs might be displaced by the shift in the division of labour between humans and machines, but 133 million new roles could emerge!

These roles might require skills we hadn’t even thought of a few years ago. AI ethicist, data privacy consultant, or robot whisperer, anyone? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

3. The AI Lifeline: Upskilling and Reskilling

The key to swimming rather than sinking in this wave of change is upskilling and reskilling. Put simply, we need to learn new tricks to keep up with our AI counterparts.

This is where employers and policymakers come into play. Creating robust upskilling and reskilling programmes can help prepare the workforce for the AI age[^3^]. It’s a win-win situation: employees secure their employment, and companies benefit from a workforce that’s ready for the future.

4. Surfing the AI Wave: Embracing the Change

Change can be scary, especially when it’s as big and unknown as AI. But just like any big issue, the key is to embrace it rather than fear it.

AI can take over mundane tasks, freeing us to tackle more complex, creative, and frankly, more fun tasks. It’s about working with AI, not against it. Plus, who wouldn’t want a cool robot colleague?

5. Sailing Towards the Horizon: A Positive Future with AI

By demystifying the murky waters of AI and employment, we can see that it’s not all doom and gloom. Yes, the landscape of work is changing, but it’s also opening up exciting new opportunities.

As we sail towards this horizon, we need to remember that AI isn’t our enemy. It’s a powerful tool that can drive innovation, increase productivity, and yes, even create jobs. The key is to navigate these waters with open minds, ready to learn and adapt.

So, there you have it, my fellow explorers! We’ve charted a course through the exciting, sometimes murky, but ultimately promising world of AI and employment. The journey might be filled with big issues and challenges, but with a positive attitude and a readiness to embrace change, the future looks brighter than ever.

The big issue isn’t AI taking our jobs; it’s about how we adapt, learn, and grow with AI. So


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