Jack Mason Sat Down on steps

November 24, 2023

Remotely Running a Business: The Art of Time Zone Juggling

I have been living out in Spain yet, I am still running global businesses.  

At times, not being at one of our offices can be difficult, so I have had to adapt to make sure I can be there to help every team, as much as I can. Running a business remotely comes with lots of travelling, Team’s meetings, and phone calls, which can be very tiring however, running a business well needs a massive amount of motivation and discipline to stay on top. I am going to share how I manage my businesses whilst being overseas. 

Clear Communications: 

There are 38 different time zones on this planet and being overseas can make it difficult to communicate with my businesses when I am halfway across the world, so I must be organised and plan when I can contact my colleagues based on the time of where I am. Using the tools that I have to stay in contact is a vital connection I have between myself and my colleagues because it offers fast and quick contact, which means I can keep up to date with what’s happening within my businesses and I can implement new strategies and tactics for the business growth. 

Regular Feedback and Support: 

Having regular updates and check-ins across all businesses allows me to keep an understanding of what’s happening and how can I help benefit the businesses reach success. Regular updates that aren’t businesses related are also ideal as you can build a connection with your colleagues and offer support allowing a stronger relationship between one and another. Keeping on top of this allows you to identify any issues and address them early to ensure a happy workplace for everyone. 

Professional Development Opportunities: 

Sometimes, I am unable to be there to offer advice due to my busy time schedule however, if a colleague needs assistance, I will always try my best to source the correct course or advice to ensure every colleague has the chance to progress and grow, whether that is individually or work-related. Offering those experiences allows me to motivate my colleagues and develop together, as they are learning alongside me through each section of the business. Showing that I want the best for all my colleagues allows me to build strong relationships and trust throughout each business and explain how everything should be laid out and performed. 


Finally, managing businesses from overseas, like I’ve been doing from Spain, is certainly no walk in the park. It’s a mix of always being switched on for those crucial calls across different time zones, encouraging your team leaders to make the right calls when you can’t be there, and never stopping the learning journey, both for yourself and your team. The key is building a solid bond of trust with your colleagues and using tech smartly to stay in the loop. It’s a constant balancing act, but honestly, it’s as rewarding as it is challenging. This experience has shown me that with a bit of flexibility, a lot of dedication, and the right mindset, you can successfully run a global business from anywhere in the world. 

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